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Jun 04, 2014


Rande Robinson

This could be big...though I'm afraid that it will be overlooked by American CADD users and vendors. While I doubt they will sell many copies in North America they might do well in the rest of the world. Hopefully it will force the big guys AutoDesk, Bentley, etc. to get off the Ipad kick and start taking android seriously...But then I once thought we would be designing Bridges in 3D...

Ralph Grabowski

I wonder if they will do tabletCAD deals with Dassault and Corel, like they did with ARES (DraftSigh and CorelCAD).

Vicente Ruiz-Constantino

Cuando se empezará a comercializar la versión definitiva de ares touch y si vale también para tablet de 7"?

Translation: "When it will begin shipping the final version of ares touch and if also true for tablet 7"?"

Ralph Grabowski

Graebert says the software is designed for "any" Android tablet
with a 7" screen or larger.

The final verison is due to ship with ARES 2015 ships, so hopefully by
the end of this year.


Ralph H. Grabowski

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