[It was in 1985 that CADalyst magazine founder Lionel Johnston wrote the first of his long-form reviews, describing each latest release of AutoCAD in fine detail. The reviews were the articles most eagerly awaited by readers of his magazine, who poured over every screen shot and devoured the details of each new and changed command and system variable.]
If this is March 22, then it must be time to read...
120 pages
AutoCAD 2012's got 46 new commands, 26 new system variables, 64 changed commands and system variables, 9 removed commands and system variables, 6 undocumented commands, 2 commands converted from Express Tools, and you know you want to know all about 2012.
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Click the button up there to order through PayPal today. Delivered by email. And for more information, check out the What's Inside? AutoCAD 2012 Web page at www.upfrontezine.com/wia12