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Nov 17, 2010


fred from MIT

It is good that only Analysts hear Heppelman's comments about "annuities", and how customers "don't switch".

While it is true that landing a "big" customer will bring along lots of potential revenue over time, if customers here that PTC and Heppelman are taking customers for granted, customers might be a little more inclined to consider switching. I have learned of many mid size companies who have in fact switched away from pro/e, often to solidworks....

Stan Przybylinski

Thanks Jay, as usual, for your insights. I agree with the previous comment about annuities not being a sure thing. (Sort of like annuities in the financial markets in these trying times.)

One thing that I have noticed that could help them: they have been trying to "change their spots" to be more customer friendly. Now they have a long way to go in that regard, but just making the effort is huge. Setting realistic expectations in an account and then exceeding them is the way to make those annuities real.

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