The latest release of Windchill
ProductPoint delivers the ability to fully manage AutoCAD data, relationships, and related files such as external drawings & XREFs. Windchill ProductPoint commands within AutoCAD enable users to manage complete review cycles and change and release processes -- plus, get instant alerts to design changes without having to learn additional data management commands.
More here.
In unrelated news, former Windchill ceo and current PTC cto Jim Heppelmann moves up to PTC president and ceo on Oct 1, with current ceo Dick Harrison becoming executive chairman.
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It should be noted that ProductPoint on its own isn't a PLM, but rather a PDM. It only becomes PLM when deployed in tandem with a full Windchill installation - in which case the ProductPoint layer might not be needed anyway.
The real advantage to ProductPoint is for small business who don't need PLM (like a CAD studio, machine shop or engineering firm) with existing Microsoft infrastructure (SharePoint 3.0) to upgrade that to a multi-CAD PDM.
A LOT of interesting things will be happening from PTC in this direction..
Posted by: ProductPoint Australia | May 12, 2010 at 05:25 AM