We had a wonderful evening with architect Pandelis Iatroudakis, who showed us the pedestrian zone in the most ancient part of Athens. We wandered through the warm evening, past the Acropolis, and then to a non-tourist-oriented restaurant. There he selected Greek dishes we've never had back home in Canada.
This second day of of the IntelliCAD World Conference, and I am hearing Serge Wautier from Belgium describe appTranslator, software for creating multi-lingual versions of IntelliCAD.
At one time, the ITC translated IntelliCAD into a number of languages, but has not keep things up to date. Now, it is up to the members of ITC to translate their own copies into local languages.
Mr Wautier's software links the software developer with the translator. He notes that 5 billion people don't speak English. Now he's showing us his software works. It supports a lot of languages, including Chinese. The software shows EVERYTHING that is translatable, sorted into interface types, such as dialog boxes, menus, toolbars, string tables, bitmaps, cursors, and the list goes on.
(I'd show a screen grab, but Mr Wautier's computer is having a hard time sync'ing with the projector.)
You select an item under, say, Dialogs. Some standard words are translated automatically, such as OK and Cancel. If not, then the translator person enters the new text. Pretty nifty.
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Later on today, I am looking forward to sitting in a session describing how IntelliCAD was used for the Athens olympics of 2004.