All about Microsoft's Mary Jo Foley reports that AutoCAD and other Autodesk software requires patching to work with Vista. In Vista: Where are the killer apps?, she writes:
Autodesk officials say their current core CAD applications are working with Vista after applying downloadable patches.
She confirms that DWF is not native to Vista:
The next version of Autodesk's core products "will put DWF data in an XPS wrapper," [Autodesk Senior Director Kevin] Wandryk said. (XPS is Microsoft's alternative to Adobe's PDF technology.)
I was thinking about yours and Mary Jo Foley's posts when I wrote this post.
Snpping Tool the Vista killer application or is it AutoCAD 2008?
Posted by: Jimmy Bergmark | Feb 22, 2007 at 05:56 AM
So where can I find these patches for autocad 2007 so it will work with vista?
Posted by: nate slachter | Mar 06, 2007 at 03:18 PM