Nemetschek North America says their VectorWorks software works with 3D models stored in Google's new Warehouse. "The 3D Warehouse is a digital warehouse for thousands of models that are available at no cost to VectorWorks Design Series users. VectorWorks users can directly import SKP models into their VectorWorks designs."
This is done through their SketchUp plugin [pdf], and would mean that any other CAD package with a SketchUp importer can do the same (ArchiCAD comes to mind). What will this mean to other Web-CAD interfaces, such as Autodesk's i-drop?
But there seem to be limitations. CEO Sean Flaherty writes, "We plan to continue our compatibility work with SketchUp to make 3D models more accessible to VectorWorks users..." I've asked for an explanation on why the models are less accessible currently.
Nemetschek's Michelle Ervin replies: We're looking to improve object mapping to give users better
control over how SketchUp geometry and materials come into VectorWorks.In addition, we don't support KML files yet.